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Our Programs


This is our 40 week program that runs from September to June. Riders in this program continue to develop skills learned in our Learn To Ride program and work towards the Equine Canada Rider Levels. For more information on this program please contact us.

Learn To Ride

Ages 8+

The objective of the program is to give children, youth, and adults a safe introduction to horses on the ground and in the saddle. The classes are small with one instructor per six students. 


In the barn students learn the basics of horse care including moving your horse safely in and out of a stall, tying the horse safely, brushing, grooming, and saddle equipment and tack. 


In the ring, riders can expect to learn the following skills: ring rules/safety, basics of riding including mounting/dismounting, halt, walk, trot, steering, correct riding position, basic patterns of the ring and communicating with your horse through the use of aids. 


Learn to Ride is a great program for the first-time rider or someone coming back to riding after a long absence.  The Learn to Ride program is a pre-requisite for students wanting a spot in our full-year Horsemanship Program.

Junior Riders

Ages 4-8

The goal of this program is to give young children a safe introduction to horses. Students in this program are required to have a parent lead the horse while they ride. While riding they learn basics like mounting/dismounting, halt, walk, trot, steering and basic patterns of the ring as well as playing lots of games!

Summer Camps

Ages 4-16

The objective for our summer day camps is to enable children to explore the fun experience of horses, while encouraging resilience, emotional control, and positive attitudes towards new challenges. We use a variety of activities on and off horse including games, crafts, and horse care.
Our Pony Up! Camp is a half day camp for those aged 4 to 8 and our Horse Rider Camp is a full-day camp for aged 8 to 16.

Therapeutic Riding

Therapeutic riding programs at WELCA are provided by our sister organization, Little Bits. To contact them directly, email or phone 780-476-1233.


Little Bits Therapeutic Riding Association is a non-profit, charitable organization providing recreational horseback riding with therapeutic benefits for children and adults with disabilities. Each year, more than 125 riders benefit from their programs. They have programs for pre-school aged children (Itty Bits), children aged five and a half to 18 (Little Bits) and adults (Big Bits).


Once a week, riders receive riding instruction by certified and experienced instructors assisted by a core of volunteers. The focus is on skill development, enjoyment and the unique therapeutic aspects of horseback riding. Learn more about Little Bits Therapeutic Riding Association.

Field Trips and Tours

WELCA offers unique education and recreation on a beautiful pastoral horse farm in the heart of the city. For a century, our river valley site has been a favourite year-round destination. It has inspired generations of artists, athletes, and visitors with friendly horses, historic log cabin, stone house and stone fence, indoor riding ring, barns and showgrounds.


We want to ensure that your time here is both fun and safe. Our first priority is to provide a positive learning experience for students which will help them appreciate horses and the important role that horses play in the lives of humans.


We offer a seven day equine massage course as well as a six week advanced massage course. For further information please contact the Sidonia at or visit her website.

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©2020 by Whitemud Equine Learning Centre Association.

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